Saturday, May 29, 2010

Carter: School stuff

Carter posing with Ms. Cathy on her last day. He picked out these beautiful pink flowers for her all by himself and gave them to her. Ms. Cathy is taking the summer off to be with her own children so Carter will have a substitute teacher now. Ms. Cathy is returning in the fall, but we will more than likely not be living in Chicago then. So...this was our "good bye" to her. I have to say that as a very protective, worry wart of a mommy I felt extremely comfortable leaving Carter in Cathy's hands. She is an amazing teacher. Very kind, nurturing and patient. Carter learned a lot from her, but most of all she made his 1st experience with school very positive and inviting. He loves school now and I give her a ton of credit for that. So thanks Ms. Cathy! You will always be very special to our family!

I just love when he brings home one of these! It is were the children are asked to draw a picture and then describe what it is that they drew. So when asked "What is outside your bedroom window".....Carter's reply was "I made Carter sitting in a tree, eating apples and it is raining outside."

Pajama Day at school! Carter was so EXCITED that Thursday was "wear your pajama's" to school day! He got a new pair of summer PJ's that said "Bug Out."

Gavin's New Ride & Seat

Our little Goose loves Curious George too! He is sitting on the new Pottery Barn Kids chair that we got him for his birthday, watching Curious George cartoon w/ his new monkey shirt and doll! So cute!!

Gavin test driving his new little push car that mommy, daddy and Carter got him for his birthday.

I had a ROYAL birthday, thanks!

Gavin wearing his #1 Birthday crown. How cute!!!
A BIG THANKS to everyone for all the birthday wishes, cards, gifts and helping celebrate my special day.
xoxo Gavin

Gavin: 12 months old/12 things he LOVES

Gavin's top 12 likes:

1. Bananas w/ oatmeal
2. Pretzel sticks
3. Chewing on his own feet
4. Balls
5. Train table
6. His "whabee's"....blankets that he loves to cuddle with.
7. Swings at the park. He loves going really high
8. Drawers/Lids. Preferrably the refridgerator door or the toliet lid
9. Car Keys. The real kind too, no pretend ones
10. Basically anything that Carter thinks is cool. Gavin just idolizes his big brother and always wants to be eating whatever Cart has, playing whatever Cart is playing and trying his best to keep up with Cart. Gavin thinks he is 3!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Party Pictures!

The banner I had made for Gavin's special day

The "royal" birthday boy posing with daddy and mommy at his party.

All the guest party favors. I had bought Farm Animal visors that everyone wore for the party. They actually worked out nicely because it was a sunny day and they served their purpose.

Uncle Micah and the Robinson cousins were kind enough to let us use their "bouncy house." It was a big hit and kept all the little guests occupied.

The birthday boy took a little cat nap at his own party! Grandpa John was pushing him in the swing and he fell fast asleep.

Daddy did all the grilling. He grilled some yummy burgers and hotdogs for everyone while sporting his "horse" visor. We had a ton of delicious food. Noni Micheli made a bunch of side dishes to go along with the main course and Noonie Cruz brought some fresh fruit and an appetizer too. Everyone really enjoyed the variety of food we had.

"MOO--ve" on over Noonie because this little birthday boy is ready to dig into his cake!

Good old Uncle Kevin and the birthday boy hanging out waiting for the guests to arrive.

Everyone enjoying dinner. Notice the adorable little barnyard balloons we had too for the party!

Gavin posing with his cousins and big brother Carter

The girls being silly with our visors on! Moo, oink, oink, quack, quack!~

Gavin opening some birthday gifts with the help from big cousin Mallory. Gavin is sitting in his new Mickey Mouse chair from Aunt Knee-Knee that he loves!

Gavin just got all cleaned up after eating his cake. Outfit #2 on. Looking a bit tired though. The party was coming to a wrap!

We had gunny sack races for the older kids too. They LOVED it!!!

Mommy reading a birthday card to Gavin

Pinata time!!! Carter trying to break it open. Aunt Maureen supervising and all the other kids patiently waiting their turn. Cousin Kora ended up smashing it open! Lots of candy and lots of fun!

Cousin Dakota brought along his guitar to play "Happy Birthday" to Gavin. It was super sweet of him. Here the little boys Wyatt, Grady and Carter are listening as Dakota plays a tune for them.

We had Gavin's 1st birthday party at Noni & Grandpa Micheli's house in Dalzell on Saturday, May 22nd. We did a "Barnyard theme" and the weather was absolutely beautiful out. Lots of sun, wonderful friends and family, great food and a very special little birthday boy. We feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and are so grateful you were all able to celebrate Gavin's special day with us. A very special thank you to Noni & Grandpa for opening up their home and having the party. We could not have done it with out you!
Love you all~
Gavin, Dana, Darrell & Carter

Gavin's introduction to CAKE!!

The 1st Birthday cake was decorated in a barnyard theme like the party. Sweet Mandy B's not only does excellent cake decorating, but make the most delicious cakes ever. We had this made in Chicago and traveled home with it. Everyone loved it! So yummy!

Gavin's "smash" cake
WOW! Look at all the cool frosting. Let me touch it and see what it does!
Hmmm...I think I like chocolate cake!
Brother Carter helping me dig in!
Now putting the cake in my ears. Feels a bit squishy!
Oh boy, putting cake in my hair now!
The End! BATH TIME!!!

The 3 Amigos turn 1!

Graham, Gavin & Maxine checking out the candles on their cupcakes

Love the #1 shirts!~

We call Maxine, Gavin's girlfriend because she is always trying to kiss him and touch him. She loves him. He likes her too...most of the time!

A few of our playgroup friends were turning 1 this month too. So we decided to do a little "mini" party at Fantasy Kingdom for the babies. We had mini cupcakes and the big brothers and sisters sang "Happy Birthday" to them. Happy Birthday to Gavin, Graham and Maxine!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"Attitude is everything, Be KINDER than neccessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak Kindly, and Pray continually. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Me & My Boys: Mother's Day 2010

This was taken on Mother's Day weekend before going out for an "interesting" dinner w/ the boys and Uncle Kevin. Let's just say....sugar packs were thrown into my glass of wine (Carter), loudiness and lack of table manners was everywhere (Carter) and a massive poop explosion (Gavin) occured in the ladies bathroom at J.Alexander's. And lucky me, I got to clean it up all by myself. Kevin thought I fell in the toliet because I was gone so long!
None the less, it was an interesting Mother's Day. In all due credit, Darrell did 'try' to let me sleep in. However, we all know that in a very small two bedroom condo and two early birds that did not happen. Darrell did get a little creative and the boys got me a "day" to myself which included a few gift cards and some very appropriate poems.
I am so grateful for all my gifts and beyond grateful that God has blessed me with two healthy and gorgeous little boys. This Mother's Day was extra special because it was my first year to celebrate with baby Gavin. Love you boys (daddy too) so VERY MUCH!!! go the poems.
"In the Morning".......(by Gavin)
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night,
I will cry for my mommy to hold me tight,
For that I am thankful and wanted to say,
Enjoy my gift one morning to help start your day. (included was a Bookstore/Coffee gift card)
"In the Afternoon"..... (by Carter)
I will kick, scream, bite and throw a fit;
I will refuse to go to time out, wind down, and sit.
You put up with my antics, and still love me for me.
Enjoy my gift one afternoon and relax peacefully. (included a gift card to get a massage)
"In the Evening"......(by Darrell)
You amaze me with your patience and love towards our boys.
Your job is never ending, doing laundry and picking up toys.
You are a great mother and deserve the very best
Enjoy my gift one evening, and give cooking a rest! (a gift card to a nice Italian restaurant)
Love the poems Darrell! Thank you for always finding ways to make me smile :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Very First "School Made" Mother's Day Card

I was so pleasantly suprised to see that Carter made me these cards at school this week. The expression on his face was just priceless. He was so proud of the work that he did and so super excited to show it to me. I have to admit I did get a little teary eyed because I can't believe my baby is old enough to make me such special things now. So thank you Carter. Mommy loves her cards and will cherish them forever!

A Quote To My Boys.....

As Mother's Day approaches us, I thought of this quote I saw once before and found it very fitting to post:

I will carry you while your heart beats here...
Long beyond the empty cradle....
Through the coming years....
I will carry you all my life...

Gavin's 1st Haircut

Gavin at Snippets in Chicago getting ready to get his FIRST big boy haircut. He has a little penguin cape on and just sat in the yellow car. Looks a bit "unsure" in this pic

Look at those curls!!! They could sure use a "trimming."

Ok...sugar free orange suckers on hand. Good thinking Ms. Donna the hairdresser

Loving the suckers. Tons of drool and look at those chubby cheeks just sucking away at that sucker. So far so good.....

Big brother Carter and Mommy watching. Gavin truely did an amazing job. He sat SO GOOD for Ms. Donnna, did not cry at all and was such a little angel.