Friday, April 30, 2010

5 Ways Motherhood Is Like a Circus

1. You've got multiple big tops (okay...old maternity wear)
2. Most days, you feel like the ringmaster.
3. There's always a daredevil balancing on something incredibly dangerous
4. The littlest clowns get the biggest laughs.
5. The tickets aren't cheap, but they're worth every penny!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our Little Rockstar

Oh my Carter....I am sure I will be using this picture in the future...say when you turn 16 or 21 perhaps? Maybe I will show it to your first real girlfriend so she can see what a true rockstar you were at such a young age. May your passion for music continue on with you all the days of your life.......

Rockstar Carter and his side kick Goose having a jam session.

Carter's favorite song these days is: "Take it to the Limit" by the Eagles band. In this picture he was singing it while playing his new guitar.

Singing a little country music perhaps? I often wonder if I contributed to Carter's love for music. From the day I found out I was pregnant with him I would put head phones on my belly every night and play soft music for baby Carter in my womb.

Just being silly.....

Typical day....Carter jumping on daddy's back/shoulders and brother Goose looking a little scared as to what silly Carter will do next!

Me and my boys....

Spagetti Face

A messy little Gavin posing for a picture w/ mommy after eating some yummy spagetti. Looking at this picture now, I ask myself "why in the world do both he and I have white shirts on?"


Some "bunny" is getting a lot of teeth! This is Gavin's new facial expression. He scrunches his nose up and twitches it like a little bunny rabbit does. Hence....the new nickname of "bunny."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gavin: 11 months old

Look at me!!! I can stand all by myself now

Our happy little goose playing the role of Mickey Mouse! How adorable is that smirky little smile??

Our little brother Goose turned 11 months old on April 20th. I know I sound like a broken record, but it is so hard to believe that he is almost 1 year old! I have started the party preparation already. We are having a family and close friends party at Noni & Grandpa Micheli's house. We are praying for NO rain as it will be a fun outdoor cook out party with a Barnyard theme. We can't wait to celebrate with everyone.
Everyday our little brother Goose is learning new things. He is really on the move now and definitely prefers to walk (with mommy's assistance of course!) versus crawl. He loves to babble words like "OH" and "WOW." I cracked up every time I hear him say those words. He loves to chase after Carter now and has recently started to get into brothers Carter a little nuts! He loves to turn up the TV volume, shut the TV off, play with doors, pick up and throw his food and pull himself up at the train table. He still really doesn't like baby food. Everyday I try and introduce him to a new food. Yesterday he gobbled up some gnocchi w/ red sauce. He definitely has the Italian genes in him! He is teething now, so our nights have not been to fun. He currently has 4 teeth and is working on his 5th.
Baby Gavin....mommy loves you! I look so forward to singing "Happy Birthday" to you for the first time and watching you indulge in your first birthday cake!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Outdoor Fun!

Gavin having fun in the swing at Noni & Grandpa's.

What a swing! Carter practicing his swing with the new t-ball set that Noni & Grandpa got him. He loves playing t-ball now. Carter and daddy are enrolled in a t-ball team thru the Chicago park district.

That would be my fearless Carter trying to ride a BIG kid bike....or shall I say BIG GIRL bike as Darrell has pointed out to me. We were at Noni & Grandpa's last weekend and he was outside playing with cousins Mallory & Callie. When the girls brought out their bikes, Carter wanted to hop right on! He is not looking at the camera because that is me behind him trying to help him and he was NOT wanting my help! haha! He actually did really good turning the wheel and peddling. I think for next years b-day we already know what to get him!

Go baby G....Go! Gavin loved riding in the little buggy at Noni's house.

Push Ups & Patios

Sweet baby G enjoying a sweet little icecream treat.

Yummy! Gavs liked the orange flavor!

Carter in "mid-lick!" As you can see he really liked the purple icecream push up!
The weather was absolutely beautiful out today. So after nap I decided to take the boys out onto our patio. I layed a blanket out for Gavin and brought toys out for the boys to entertain themselves with. I also promised Carter that we could have some icecream treats. I remember eating "push up" icecream treats as a child, so when I saw them at Jewel the other day I grabbed them for the boys. I figured "Mr. I Do" would love the part were he could "push up" the icecream all by himself and that the cold treat might help with Gavin's teething.

Stand By Me

How totally adorable is this picture? Carter loves helping Gavin learn new things. Lately, Gavin has shown interest in standing. He can even stand alone for a whole 2 seconds. So today, I showed Carter how to help Brother Goose stand. Oh....the brotherly love!

Little Mr. Worker

So when I saw these construction worker pj's I couldn't resist getting them for Carter. Lately, Carter has really been into "working." Typically he is a garbage truck man. He goes around the house collecting the trash and then tries to squeeze all the trash into his little Elmo car. Some days he is the cleaning lady. He gets the feather duster and "dusts" the whole house. Other days he is a secret worker. This type of work is done with his bedroom closet door closed and with him in it. Gavin & I are not allowed in the closet to see his work, but we can hear lots of banging and then when we knock on the door he tells us "he is working really hard." Some days he is a McDonald's worker and sits at the table with his Mickey D register and demands that mommy places numerous food orders. Other days he is a painter. Those are not such good days. On painter days he literally is writing something on our walls! These are usually the days when mommy is swamped and has taken her eyes off worker Carter for a second. Our bedroom has been painted or shall I say scribbled a lovely shade of Crayola blue. Thanks Cart!
It truly is adorable though how he loves to pretend to work. He loves to go visit Papa and helped him burn paper in the burn barrel and watch the fire, mow the lawn and clean out the shed. My dad can keep worker Carter busy for hours outside "working." In Dalzell at Grandpa John's house Carter enjoys water the garden and helping Grandpa push the wheel barrel. I could go on and on, but he definitely is all boy. Plays hard. Works hard and...Gets really dirty!

Mr. Curl E. Q!

Notice the curls? Notice the little hair flipping in back? Our brother goose appears to be getting in some "waves." Gavin definitely has more hair at this age than Carter did. I think we are going to need to give him a haircut before his first birthday. Sorry Gavs! You inherited your mommy's curls. They look adorable on you though!

Door Obsession

Peek-a-Boo....Gavin sees you!!!! Gavin has really taken a liking to doors these days. He loves to open and shut them all day long.

Well apparently doors taste good too. There he goes chomping down on the cabinet! I got the snack door open. So what should I try and grab???? I need something to add to my little car dish.

Voted Best Dressed

What a handsome little guy!

Gavin & Leah

I find this picture particularly hilarous. Gavin chomping down on the pack and play and Leah look up into the clouds. What a productive playdate!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I love this quote!

"One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested." -- E.M. Forster

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy 1st Easter Baby Gavin!!!

Gavin checking out what the bunny brought him. He just got back from church and was all dressed up in his Easter clothes and 1st Easter bib.

Our little brother Goose really enjoyed his Easter basket goodies! He liked his "Silly Goose" book best! Mommy's camera died right after this picture, so sorry that is all I got!!!!