Sunday, June 28, 2009


Darrell and I went to the CUBS/SOXS game on Friday. The weather was beautiful, great game and it was so nice to just have an "adult" day out. The boys stayed home with Grandpa and Noni Micheli and Moxie and had a fun time too!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Carter's 1st Fishing Trip

Carter and Papa caught a FISH! WOW! Carty is quite the "Elmo" fisherman.

Carter and Noonie hanging out on the dock together. My parents had Carter over the weekend and decided to take him out fishing at a friend of the families lake.

Carter and Aunt Knee-Knee hoping a fish bites soon!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Darrell

We dedicate this blog entry to the BEST DADDY EVER!!! This Father's Day is extra special too because we have been blessed with Gavin this year. Both boys are so thankful to have such a wonderful daddy. There is what the boys are most thankful for:
Carter says I love my daddy because:
He takes me on river walks all the time and let's me throw rocks in the water & feed the ducks
For all the fun piggy back rides
For playing hide and seek with me all the time. Whoa-whoo!
For letting me crack the eggs and help "cook" breakfast every morning
For letting me shower with you and not getting soap in my eyes
For letting me play on your computer and singing and dancing to Elmo's Pride and Andrea Bocelli
For always taking me to press the buttons. NO RED butt!
For being so patient with me at night and being my bedtime buddy!
For always being a fun daddy who I look forward to seeing and playing with each night when you get home from work. I la-la-LOVE U!
Gavin says I love my daddy because:
You were the best birthing coach ever for my mommy
I love to snuggle with you
I am thankful that you always take big brother for awhile at night so me and my mommy can have some snuggletime
All your love, hugs and kisses
Mommy says she loves you too for always making her a much needed pot of coffee every morning.
Thank you Darrell for being an amazing father to our sons. I seriously could not do it with you out. We are so fortunate to have you. I hope you had a fun and relaxing Father's Day weekend!
All my love~

Summer Fun

Carter and Chase just chilling out on Noonie's little bench. All smiles!

MORE JUMPS!!! Yep, that is what my little fish kept saying. He LOVED the pool, although we are definitely not surprised. Carter enjoyed jumping off the deck into Aunt Kendra and Papa's arms. He happily went all the way under that water a ton of times too. He even plugs his nose. Now all we need to do is get him to keep his mouth closed when going under. I think he swallowed a gallon of water. He had a blast!

Taking a break from swimming, Carter and Chase are busy playing in the sand table. The boys shared the sand toys very nicely too! They had a very fun playdate.

Papa and Carty have fun in the water. Papa blew up this super cool car just for Carty to ride around in!

Gavin & Kate

Gavin got to meet his "big" cousin Kate for the first time on Saturday. Katherine will be 1 yr. old in October. Neither one of them were "too sure" of each other. Especially Kate. She was like "Wow....there really is people "smaller" than me?" Gavin also got to meet his great grandparents Grandma Shirley & Grandpa Iggy, cousins Kyle & Kora, friends Rose, Gwen, Linda, Jessica, Dava and neighbors, Maddie and Jeff all for the first time this weekend. Lots of visitors to meet Baby G! So glad that everyone was able to come up and visit!

Gavin: 1 month old

Wide awake playing on my tummy time mat

Love the outfit! My mommy and daddy do "rock!"
Just doing my daily tummy time duties!

Look at Gavin's expression. Hilarous! He is like "why is this big brother always in my face?" Carter loves being near Gavin and giving him lots of gentle kisses.

It is so hard to believe that our little precious Gavin was one month old on Saturday. He is an absolute joy!~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gavin: 4 weeks old

Today little G is 4 weeks old! I can't believe that in merely 4 days he will be 1 month old. Time has definitely been flying by. I snapped this picture of my little cutie moments after a big dirty diapers was changed!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mommy & Daddy's Night Out

Kevin, Me and Darrell posing for a family pic!

Michelle, Elisha, Tiffany, the bride Meghan and I on the dance floor

Darrell and I had our first night out in quite awhile. We left the boys with my mom and dad and went to our friend Ryan May's wedding. It was a great time! Not often enough do we get the chance to catch up with a lot of old friends, dance and yes....drink! So, I was especially happy because not only did I sqeeze into a cute dress, but I also got to have a few glasses of wine and busted a move on the dance floor! LOL! Now if we can only figure out a way to get the boys to sleep in past 7am Darrell and I would be the happiest and most well rested parents!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Carter & His "Girlfriend"

Carter definitely has a crush on one particular cute little red headed 2 year old girl named Mary Meyers. I mean they have some much in common.....they share a true passion for Elmo, they both love to play at the park, eat Dairy Queen icecream and jump around in Carter's bed!!! These pictures were not "staged" by any means. Mary Meyers and her mommy delivered us a delicious home cooked meal today and while the mom's were visiting the little ones were jumping around and having a good time!

Baby Smiley

Gavin is almost 3 weeks old now and he is quite the HAPPY baby! He has been smiling a lot at his mommy these days. So today, I was lucky to have camera in hand and snapped a picture of baby smiley. Too cute!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Little Gavin is 2 weeks old now. He is growing so fast. He is a whole 8 pounds now and very much alert, but still a very calm and "peaceful" baby.

Brotherly Love

Carter just loves giving baby G lots of xoxo's.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sweet Baby G

I just love this picture of Gavin. He is simply precious......

Family Pics

Our 1st family photo was taken at the hospital the morning after Gavin was born. Carter sported his big brother t-shirt and gave Gavin a big kiss on the head. I feel beyond blessed to have my 2 beautifully healthy boys and a wonderful husband!
Mommy and her boys watching ELMO......doing a little snuggle time before bedtime!

Rock Me To Sleep

Here is a picture of the world's BEST BABY!!! Seriously............IF Gavin stays this good, Darrell and I will be so happy! He never cries and loves to eat, sleep and cuddle!!!