Sunday, November 29, 2009

We are Thankful for.....our families

Thanksgiving at Micah & Kim's. They just got a new sectional couch that week so EVERYONE had room to sit on it. Yep, count it. 13 family members hanging out after dinner.

Happy 1st Thanksgiving to our "little turkey." Gavin had on a cute shirt that said he is "thankful" for mommy, daddy, turkey and football!

Carter and cousin Lily watching the Macy's Day parade. The two of them just LOVED dancing and singing along to the music. I think the Sesame Street parade balloons and little song/dance was their favorite part of the parade! I have to admit, this was the first year I actually sat down to watch it and it was very entertaining.

The Boys with Grandpa & Noni Micheli

The Boys with Noonie & Papa Cruz
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy
We hope that this Thanksgiving holiday that you all were blessed with good food and loving family and friends to share it with!

~Love, Darrell, Dana, Carter & Gavin

Playing Dress Up

Carter pretending to be a "Donalds" worker! One large french fry please!

I guess he was pretending to be me in this pic??? At least that is what he said. My robe, my diaper bag and my favorite hat. What a great combination!

Guess who????? Pretending now to be Darrell! This kid is always pretending to do or be something or someone!
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Mr. Peddler

Carter stopping for little peddeling break. Carter is doing a fantastic job at riding his big boy bike. Darrell has nicknamed him "zigzag" because he hasn't quite figured out how to steer yet!

Mommy and Gavin came out to the River Walk to watch Carter ride his bike while the weather was nice out!

Gavin's new stuff

Our little Gavin enjoying the exersaucer that Noonie has let us borrow. I think "Santa" is bringing him a new one this season! Gavin also just loves sitting in his big boy highchair that Noonie and Papa gave him as an early Christmas gift. Gavin loves to gobble up his two favorite foods while in his chair. Carrots & Bananas!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy 33rd Birthday Daddy Darrell

Today we celebrated Darrell's 33rd birthday. My mother in law graciously cooked a nice bday dinner for Darrell and picked up an icecream cake for him. Of course Carter was so EXCITED to blow out daddy's candles. On Friday Carter, Gavin and I picked up some cupcakes for daddy too and of course had to blow out candles and sing. Carter really loves celebrating birthday's now! So needless to say we sang alot this weekend! Happy Birthday Darrell~

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gavin turns 6 months: Happy 1/2 Birthday

Gavin loves playing under his little gym mat!

Look at those chubby cheeks! Just want to squeeze them!
There's mommy's smiley guy!

Testing out his new warm and fuzzy hat!
My little ham!

Baby G loves his tummy time. So while he is playing, I was trying to see if some hats fit his head yet! Looks like this one is a keeper.

Today our precious little baby turned 6 months old. Hard to believe that he is 1/2 a year old!!!Time has really flyed these past 6 months. Our Gavin is such a sweet, angelic little guy that always has a smile on his face. He makes my mornings so bright just walking into his room and see him coo and play in his crib, waiting ever so patiently for us to come get him. Always greeting us with a smile. So this post is dedicated to baby G. Mommy is so thankful that you were brought into my life and feel so blessed to hug and kiss you everyday! I decided to post 6 recent pics of Gavin to share!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is my FAVORITE picture yet

I finally got them BOTH to smile at the same time!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Carter + Guitars= Happy Kid

As many of you know our Carter has a strong passion for music! He absolutely loves guitars and is constantly singing songs and playing his instruments at home. I know that in some way Carter is going to be musically talented. As a mother, I can just "sense" it. Therefore, Darrell and I really encourage his "hobby." We have him enrolled in a music class where he is seriously the best kid in the class. He just has the "beat." Santa Claus will be bringing Carter something really special for Christmas this year. Hint, hint.....
It really is amazing though to see how passionate a little 2 year old can be about something. As my mother in law once said, Carter "feels" the music. Whether he is in the car listening to his favorite Laurie Berkner CD, at church singing along with the choir or at a play area (like we were today) he just is a sponge when it music. Especially guitars, which he calls "mig." Although he knows the real word for guitars, when he was very little he pronounced music as "mig" and ever since the name has just stuck. The picture on this post is from today's sing a long time at the Family Grounds Cafe. Ms. Emily plays the guitar there everyday from 10-10:30. Of course Carty loves it! It was too cute today, he felt comfortable enough to actually go up on the stage and be Ms. Emily's helper. Where she wanted it or not, she had Carter right next to her singing along, just staring and mesmerized by her fingers stringing along the guitar. That's my Carty, my little entertainer. Maybe one day he will be a famous rock star and I can tell everyone " I knew it!" Whatever his dreams are, whatever his passion is.... I will whole heartily support because that is what mommy's are meant to do!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Captain Gavin

How cute is this? Love the cheeks and eyes!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy 4th Anniversary

Us taking a self potrait after one too many glasses of wine!

Darrell and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary this past Thursday. We actually "celebrated" over the weekend because my parents were SO KIND enough to watch our little guys for the weekend. Yes, 2 whole nights of uninterrupted sleep, leisurely sips of coffee, non rushed gym work outs, a delicious steak dinner and yes....PLENTY of Lifetime TV for good old mommy! It was such a relaxing weekend. Although we did miss our little ones, it was nice to get a break and spend some quality time with my partner, love of my life and father of my children. Although life is definitely different now and Darrell and I don't always get to spend much time together or do the fun little things we used to take for granted, we wouldn't change a thing! Having our boys has completed our family and made us whole. Happy Anniversary D! Love you always~

Gavin the Conductor

Concentrating really hard on moving the train around

Ok...big brother Carter I could use a little help now. You are so silly you always make me laugh!

Little G is having so much fun! What a happy baby playing with his choo-choo trains AND what strong little legs. I was obviously holding his back, but those legs of his were standing pretty strong.

ok. daddy enough pictures already!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

C & G

I love this pose!! Playtime fun!

Silly Boys

Lady and the Tramp impersonation!

Like son!


Me and my boys at the Bubbles Academy Halloween Party.

Chase "the Monkey" and Carter "the Guitar" at the Gymboree Halloween party. Chase and Tricia drove up to the city to go to the party with us!

Carter & Gavin in their costumes. This picture was taken at the Spring Valley Halloween Parade.

Mommy's little pumpkin just hanging out in his stroller. Happy 1st Halloween baby Gavin

One tired little ghost!

Carter with friends Jonah & Caitlyn at Sofia's Halloween house party

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Internet Issues:URGH

I am BEYOND FRUSTRATED!!! We are having internet issues which in case I have NOT been able to download any photos to post on the blog. Please note that my computer wiz of a hubby is on it and we are trying to resolve our problemo. In the meantime all I can do is write, no pics :(

Gavin SITS UP all by HIMSELF

Today at Carter's music class little Gavin decided to sit up all by himself. He was first leaning on me, but seemed to have a good balance so I let go and he sat for what was probably a good 10 seconds before he leaned toward. I was amazed at his strength and very impressed that our little 5 month old already sat up. Looks like we will be practicing some more later today. I think Gavin is just SO ready to start playing with big brother Carter. He loves watching him play and thinks that everything Carty does is so funny!!!! Go Gavy!