Thursday, April 15, 2010

Push Ups & Patios

Sweet baby G enjoying a sweet little icecream treat.

Yummy! Gavs liked the orange flavor!

Carter in "mid-lick!" As you can see he really liked the purple icecream push up!
The weather was absolutely beautiful out today. So after nap I decided to take the boys out onto our patio. I layed a blanket out for Gavin and brought toys out for the boys to entertain themselves with. I also promised Carter that we could have some icecream treats. I remember eating "push up" icecream treats as a child, so when I saw them at Jewel the other day I grabbed them for the boys. I figured "Mr. I Do" would love the part were he could "push up" the icecream all by himself and that the cold treat might help with Gavin's teething.

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