Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gavin: 11 months old

Look at me!!! I can stand all by myself now

Our happy little goose playing the role of Mickey Mouse! How adorable is that smirky little smile??

Our little brother Goose turned 11 months old on April 20th. I know I sound like a broken record, but it is so hard to believe that he is almost 1 year old! I have started the party preparation already. We are having a family and close friends party at Noni & Grandpa Micheli's house. We are praying for NO rain as it will be a fun outdoor cook out party with a Barnyard theme. We can't wait to celebrate with everyone.
Everyday our little brother Goose is learning new things. He is really on the move now and definitely prefers to walk (with mommy's assistance of course!) versus crawl. He loves to babble words like "OH" and "WOW." I cracked up every time I hear him say those words. He loves to chase after Carter now and has recently started to get into brothers Carter a little nuts! He loves to turn up the TV volume, shut the TV off, play with doors, pick up and throw his food and pull himself up at the train table. He still really doesn't like baby food. Everyday I try and introduce him to a new food. Yesterday he gobbled up some gnocchi w/ red sauce. He definitely has the Italian genes in him! He is teething now, so our nights have not been to fun. He currently has 4 teeth and is working on his 5th.
Baby Gavin....mommy loves you! I look so forward to singing "Happy Birthday" to you for the first time and watching you indulge in your first birthday cake!

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