Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Brings me BACK to BLOGGING!!!

I have really been wanting to get back to blogging. It seems as though the days escape me.  Tonight though as I went upstair to have some "me time" and when I say "me time" that was at about 9:30 when I was going to finally take a shower for the day! Anyways...I digress. I found "the HULK" laying on my pillow with the blankets up to his chin. Gavin's way of telling me to save him a spot because he will be in with Darrell and I very soon. Like he is every night. I had to laugh because he does little funny things like that every day and I want to have them on paper or documented some way to always remember these things and to hopefully share them one day with my adult children. 2103 also is making me realize more and more how lucky I am to have 3 healthy children, a strong family unit, my husband and our love and health as well. We take things for granted,  we get impatient, we get tired, but we have to step back this year and see the clear picture. The glass is 1/2 full. Well, my glass if completely full in my eyes. Carter, Gavin & Avery fill it daily.
My"plan" is to post at least once a week. I have so, so, so many things to document. One of which our little precious Avery is WALKING! Go Abee! 11 month old walker :)

So stay tuned. And wishing everyone reading a very healthy, happy and prosterious 2013.
~Love to all~D

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