Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Love.....

Will baby #3 be a BOY or a GIRL?!?!?!? We find out on Sept. 6!!! Keep checking out the blog for the BIG NEWS!!!!!!



Gavin's favorite!

This one scared me!

Gavin said this was Diego's friend. Kind of does like Dora and Diego's friend the tiger!

This is a lego masterpiece of Navy Pier. All the details were quite impressive and so really life looking!!!

Carter's looking at this lego guy like...."Are you for real?"

Legoland is Shaumburg, ILL was so cool!!! It is amazing all the things they can make out of plastic little legos. The whole family really enjoyed our time there!


My little orange fingered MONSTER!

Dapper Dan

My fashionista posing for a pic with his fav summertime hat!

Summer Time FUN!!!

We had lots of fun swimming at Noonie & Papa's house this summer with our cousin the Robinson!

Glen Arbor Michigan: Family Trip

Our family at the resort

So happy Papa was well enough to come along!

My virgin bloody Mary was darn good!

Vanilla BUTTS!

Souvenir T-shirts w/ turtles on them. Gavin's favorite!

My boys being silly with Mr. Frog

Beautiful Michigan sand dunes

Such a peaceful view.....

Gavin woke up so daddy and Gavs are making their way up the big hill to see the dunes too!

Lots of sand to climb through!

Another dunes pic

Carter sliding down a slide at our resort

Beach time!

Someone loved the sand!

Calming waters+overtired toddler= A NICE NAP!

Good thing Daddy has lots of arm muscles because Carter & I sure weren't of much help!

Getting ready to head out on the kayak

Part of the resort

Darrell's on vacation. YIPPY!!!!

So curious. So precious

Snack time with Papa!

Noonie was quite the trooper. Out in the water a lot with the boys. Searching for rocks for Gavin

The resort was amazing!!!

Gavs resting in the lobby

I loved all the decor and rustic feel of the cottages.

Another cottage view!

Skipping rocks!

This year we took my parents and the boys to the Homestead Resort in Glen Arbor Michigan for a few days of rest and relaxation. The weather was beautiful so we did a lot of swimming and kayaking. We did do a bit of sight seeing. We headed over to the Sleeping Bear State Park to see all the magnificant sand dunes. It was a breath taking view!

My Cowboy. My Love

Every now and then he will stop talking, jumping or running and just sit back and relax. These are the moments I love. What a peaceful lookin cowboy!

A delicious Carmel Apple Treat

Last night Gavin had his 1st carmel apple. Let's just say he loved the carmel, but skipped the apple. He licked off every bit of carmel and when done handed me the green apple on the stick and said "all done momma!"

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Brotherly Love


A brother is someone with fun loving ways

With wit and good humor to spare.

He does thoughtfu things with any fuss

And when you're in trouble he's there.

A brother is more than just part of the family....

He's also a friend through and through

And that's a description that certainly fits a

wonderful brother like you.

Gavin Updates

My Gavin John. Whom insists that his name is "Goose or Goo." I call him Gavin everyday, however that famous nickname is really sticking with him. Gavin has become quite the feisty 2 yr. old and has recently started saying "I DO or I don't want to!" Still has a dislike to most all foods, except most recently he has ventured out and tried corn. I think he only likes corn though because it is his favorite color which is yellow. He still thinks that "momma's bed" is his bed and still climbs into bed every night with Darrell and I. It is so cute to see how passionate Gavin is about certain things he loves. He loves, loves, loves Woody. Gavin and the Woody doll are best of friends. He really loves trains too and had a blast early in the month when I took him to Choo Choo Johnny's restaurant. It is a restaurant where a train delivers the kids meals! He still is very much attached to this wha- bee blankets and mommy. This summer, Gavin too has enjoyed swimming and is fearless of the water. He also has become quite the climber and does a really good job climbing the stairs at home and all the playground equipment. He also is quite the jumper and makes me a nervous wreck to watch him "jump." Gavin continues to amaze us with his speech development and is always saying new words, clear as day and is even putting together sentences now. Gavin loves to follow Carter around and tries to mimic everything that big brother does. I am excited to be taking a new music class this fall with Gavin and to have some one on one time together before baby #3 arrives. Gavin too knows that mommy has a baby in her belly and gives it lots of kisses.