Well, I am ashamed to say that it has been so long since I have blogged. My days these past months have felt like world winds. Busy life takes me away from things that I truly enjoy doing, such as my blogging. I do need to remind myself to stop and take time to enjoy my journling. If not for myself, then for my boys. The blog symbolizes not only my passion for writing, but most importantly a memoir for my boys. A keepsake. A place that they can always go to see themselves growing up.
So in efforts to catch up I would just like to do a summary of the past 3 months.
January: A month that honestly somewhat escapes my mind. I know it was VERY cold out. I know we were getting off our "Christmas" high. A house back with all new Christmas toys for our good little boys. I know it is the month that Gavin started My Gym classes. I also recall it being the month that Gavin started to really come out of his "baby shell" and get a little more curious. Lots of climbing and jumping around for him. It is also a month that I really realized "WOW" my boys are really getting big. Growing up. Turning into little people. With emotions. Feelings. Self help skills. Personalities. Makes me question IF there will be just 1 more baby Micheli or IF I just get the sad baby itch when my boys don't want to snuggle with me or when I see that Gavin's baby chub is fading away and turning into a strong little boy body. So here is some pictures of my kiddos in January.
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