Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Carter turns 5!!!!

The BEST birthday present ever.....BULLS tickets~

Taking a break at Chuck E. Cheese

The Birthday boy posing for a picture with Chunk E. Cheese!~ Fun times!

Our first family picture was at Carter's birthday party!! Family of 5 now!

Happy 5th Birthday Carter!!!!

All our friends enjoying pizza at the party

Carter's basketball CupCake

Wearing his birthday crown the teachers at school made for him

Happy 5th Birthday to our little basketball player GO BULLS! We love you Carter and are so proud of you. You are the smartest, talkative, energetic, kind hearted little boy we know!

Avery Grace: 2months old

Our little newborn is getting so BIG and is so alert! She loves watching her brothers play all day. She is constantly bobbling that head of hers around and watching their every move. We nicknamed her "Fidgetts" because she is always just moving her arms and legs around like she is read to GO GO GO! A bit gassy, but a good girl! She is weighing in at 10lb.s 3 oz. and is 24 inches long now. Doctor said she is right on target and a healthy girl! Her hair is really coming in more and more each day and is jet black. Mommy enjoys accessorizing her as you can tell in the photos with bows, etc. So fun!