Carter taking it easy with his new doll Caillou and his cuddly pillow pet that daddy keeps taking!.Caillou is still his favorite show to watch. It actually is a good program for kids. It teaches independence, manners and how people are alike and different. Gavin is really into Caillou now too. He likes to pretend to sing the opening song. Just ask Carter he will tell you what day, time and channel Caillou is on. I am pretty sure we have seen every episode.
Our silly boys all smiles and all trains! We hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
Our handsome boy modeling his new Ernie shirt from Santa!!! Brother Goose "You're the One!"
Gavin has his hat on and is ready to work!
Choo-Choo! Santa brought the boys a bunch of SUPER neat new accessories for our train table. There is an airport, a construction sight and all sorts of new and cool trains to play with. All aboard! This toy is the one that they fight over the most. haha!
Gavin taking a ride on his new pony from Santa. Oh wait...looks like Buzz wants to hop on too says Carter!
Gavin opening up presents at Noni's.
The BIGGEST surprise of them all.....the motorized dump truck that Papa and Noonie got the boys! It is a double seater that goes up to 5mph. I think we are going to have a BLAST this spring/summer cruising around the subdivision in this truck!
A nice picture of Gavin John and Grandpa John on Christmas Eve.
"To infinity and beyond!!!" Carter & Gavin both got super cool Buzz Light Year dolls with some Christmas cash.
Can you tell me how to get....how to get to SESAME STREET?!?! Gavin was super excited on Christmas morning to see Santa brought him his very own Sesame Street couch. He loves laying in it and zipping up the blanket piece. Santa knew he loves Ernie too so he made sure that Ernie and his side kick Burt or as Gavin says "Burb" was on it too!
TA-DA!!!! The TANKER TRUCK. Yep, Santa granted Carter a very special Christmas wish this year. He brought him a Milk and Cookies Tanker Truck w/ all the bells and whistles on it. The truck lights up, talks and even moves forward and backward. Thank goodness Noni has been so generously letting Carter borrow hers for the past couple of months. Tankers and Garbage trucks are his all time favorite!
Our little "Most Eligible Bachelor" hard at work. Noni & Grandpa got the boys a very cool work bench that they love playing with.
Our special gift from Carter to mommy and daddy for Christmas. He made his for us at school and suprised us with it. It almost made mommy cry it was such a beautiful gift!