Friday, June 25, 2010

Father's Day: 2010

Happy Fathers Day Daddy! We love you SO MUCH and our little feet do follow you where you go. We look up to you so much and love you endlessly. xoxo Carter & Gavin


"Walk a little slower, Daddy," said a boy so small.
"I'm following in your footprints and I don't want to fall."

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see;

So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me.

Someday when I 'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;

Then I will have a little boy
Who will want to follow me,

And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;

So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And then there was a BROKEN camera!

Yep, our camera BROKE. No ones fault. Well, except Nikon for making such a crappy product.
So I won't be able to post any new pics of the boys for awhile. Sorry!

Crazy Town: Population 1

The last couple of weeks are becoming a blur. Filled with a few scares, lots of decision making, lots of phone calls/phone tag, lots of sleepless nights and just pure craziness. There are days when I feel like it is ground hogs day....all the days are the same. Non stop on the go for me! To put it mildy, I feel like I live in a town called Crazy and I am the mayor. I joke about this, but it is the only way I can keep going at the speed I am going. To find any glimery of humor in my hectic life. So....last week we had Carter in the Emergency Room due to his allergies. He gave us quite a scare as his oxygen levels were low and he was having a hard time breathing. They kept him at the hospital for over 6 hours and gave him a lot of medicine and breathing treatments. They also did a chest XRay and LUCKILY everything came back ok. Strong heart. No signs of lung infection. He was quite the trooper though. The XRay tech told him she was taking a really big picture of him and so at 12:30am after 5 hours of being there...he managed to give her a BIG smile for his picture. It was really quite cute. She let him see the XRay and he got to see his heart and chest cavity. Of course he goes into the ER the night that the Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanely Cup. Let's just say at 1am when leaving the hospital it was "Crazy Town" the area was filled with drunk people stumbling out of the bars celebrating the win!
We are thankful that the doctors were able to send Carter home that night and got his levels back to normal. We do have concerns now though that his cat/dog allergy is more severe than we orginially thought. We are meeting again with the allergist next week and will continue to keep him on the Flovent inhaler. that is Carter's story.
Now Gavin.....poor brother Goose went in this week because I thought he had an ear infection. Well, mommy knows best I guess because he did have yet another ear infection. So we got his meds for that. Two days later Gavin had to go in for his 1 year old check up, in which he received 3 shots, TB test and lead poisioning check. He was a trooper as well. He barely cried at the office, but a mix between the ear and the shots did effect him at home and he wasn't the happiest camper this week. that is Gavin's story
I made 5 trips to the doctors office and ER with in a 7 day period. I think the doctors know me by my first name now. Thank God we have a good Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan.
Our story....on top of all this "craziness" we decided to put our condo up for rent. Darrell and I are ready for a change. Our family has outgrown this home and we are ready to start the next chapter in our lives. With that said, we will be doing that very soon. The condo was up for rent for 4 days and we found AWESOME renters. Everything about these renters was good, so we accepted their offer. The only downfall is that they want us out by July 1. So we literally have 3 weeks to pack up our whole house. Thankfully, my parents have opened their door to us and agreed to let us stay at their house the month of July. We are in the process now of trying to find a nice home to rent in the Naperville area. So suburbia we come!
I may need to take a break from blogging over the next couple of weeks as we begin our move. I promise though to continue on once life gets back to what I refer to as normal and not Crazy Town.

Bowling Buddy's

Zach, Jonah & Carter all went bowling together this past Saturday at the Diversy Bowling Alley. The boys had a blast! The parents shared a much need pitcher or two of beer and had a few laughs watching our big boys bowl!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Breathing Treatment Time

Mommy's big boy is so good at sitting down to do his breathing treatments. He is watching his new favorite movie "Madagascar" on the TV. Carter's allergies to dogs and cats unfortunately does not seem to be getting better. He was at Noni's house this weekend and then Sunday at his buddy Nick's party. Nick has a dog too and after we got home I could just tell the allergies were starting up again. Runny nose, itchy eyes and coughing. He told me "mommy my throat HURTS!!!" I don't like "al-ger-gees." Poor Carty. Mommy wishes she could take them away for you! For now though, we have it under control and he really does well with his inhaler, Zrytec and Albuterol treatments.

My Shining Star

Gavin's 1 year old Status

Gavin had his 1 year old doctors appointment today. He sure was a trooper and barely cried when he got 2 shots, lead poision finger pinch and TB test. Doctor said Gavin checked out perfectly healthy and is completely on target developmentally. All and all a VERY good check up. Now we just need to get our "speed crawler" to start walking!

Gavin John stats:

Weight: 21.8 lbs.
Length: 33 inches
Teeth: 9 total
Curls: too many to count!


Gavin's new word is "GO"
He screams it! It is absolutely hilarous. We were in the car driving back from Spring Valley thid past weekend and Gavin was in the back yelling "GO"
So, Darrell would say...Ready, Set..... AND Gavy Goose says "GO!"

Too funny!!!